It's been awhile since I have shared some mispronunciations and general speech or wording errors made by our children. As they grow older, they are making these cute little mistakes less and less. We did have two instances this past week, so I had to write them down to ensure that I would not forget what they were.
Last week, the twins had picture day at their preschool. Our daughter was dressed in a dress, leggings, and Mary Jane style shoes. Since she is use to wearing sneakers to school and to play on the playground, when I arrived to pick them up, she complained to me . . .
"I had to sit down and empty the corn chips out of my shoes like 8 times!"
(I think she meant to say "wood chips".)
Also last week, our children attended a fall fair at our older son's elementary school. There were lots of games set up where the children could win tickets and then turn those tickets in for small prizes. So when my husband brought the children home, our preschool-aged son runs up to me to tell me . . .
"MumMum, look! I got a payback racer!!"
(No matter how many times I tried to tell him that the term was "pullback racer", he kept making the same error, so I just let it go. It still makes me laugh a little bit every time he says it though.)