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My Photos (W/E 7-16-11)

Our 4.5 year old daughter had her first ballet class last week.  Luckily I was not the only parent their all excited, commenting about how adorable all the students were, and taking photos.  I was, however, the only parent who took about 150 photos.  I'm not crazy and obsessive.  I had doubts that many of my photos would come out well because I was using my little point and shoot, I was shooting through a glass window, and I was not using a flash to eliminate any reflection.

I did share a few photos on Facebook, but I liked this one because . . . well, I've always had a soft spot for photos from behind.  It was not the best quality photo, so I had to do a little photo editing.  So do you like the colored or the black and white better?

(Click any photo to enlarge)

Thank you for taking the time to view my photos this week! If you'd like to play along or see more great photos, stop by to see Lotus a.k.a. Sarcastic Mom.