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My Article Was Featured On the Front Page of Boston's

You may or may not have noticed that a banner with my face on it and a short feed appeared on 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires a couple of months ago.  I had taken on writing a style column for  Even though I do not make much money, I have stuck with it because I have really enjoyed writing articles on style and fashion.

This afternoon, I was looking on the Boston Examiner front page and nearly fell over when my most recent article "Recent grads need to dress to impress for job interviews" was one of the 5 articles being featured at the top.  I actually never thought to check for my articles on the front page before, but now I will be checking it everyday!

(Click image to enlarge)

Thanks for letting me share this little bit of news that made me all excited.  If you would like learn more about becoming an Examiner, visit