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My Photos (W/E 1-8-11)

Last week, our oldest son turned 7.  Although we had a miniature golf birthday party for him last Sunday, his birthday was not until the middle of the week.  So we ended up saving the gifts from family for his actual birthday and we ordered a small cake for the occasion.  Here are some photos I took of the birthday boy . . .

"The Boy Who Asked For Ramen Noodles for His Birthday Dinner"

"Seven Candles Are A Lot of Pressure"

"Cards and Gifts From Lil Bro & Lil Sis!"

"I'm Rich!"

"An Experienced Card Reader"

"Just What I Needed!"

"Where Are My Presents?!"

Thank you for taking the time to view my photos this week! If you'd like to play along or see more great photos, stop by to see Lotus a.k.a. Sarcastic Mom.