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Which is Your Favorite Guinness World Record of the Decade?

Do you remember the year 2000? Well, I sure do and it is difficult for me to wrap my mind around that fact that we are about to enter the year 2010. So much has happened this past year . . . never mind about this past decade.

Well, there is one book that records history like no other and that's the Guinness Book of World Records. I am excited to be able to review the 2010 edition soon and to share the wonders of the Guinness world with my kindergartner.

Svetlana Pankratova (Holds the record for World’s Longest Legs)

Right now, you can visit to see which they consider to be the Top 100 Records of the Decade. Then you can place your vote for your favorite record breaker in each of ten categories. Hurry, because the polls close Christmas weekend!