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My Favorite 10 Products Reviewed in 2009

My family and I have reviewed many products throughout 2009. I thought it would be fun to highlight our favorite ten products of the year and it would be nice to give these companies some recognition for a job well done.

I did not receive compensation of any kind to choose one product over another. These choices are based on my own and my family's personal experiences with these products. I discussed this list with my husband and children and we collectively came up with these ten products, leading with our most favorite.



#3 Favorite:








Thank you for taking the time to view our list of favorite products reviewed during 2009! It was very difficult to narrow it down to just ten. I look forward to seeing what new products these and other companies will come up with for 2010.

If you are a review blogger and would like to share your Top Ten Products List for 2009, feel free to add the link to your Top Ten Products post to Mr. Linky below.