Since I spend so much time blogging, I thought it would be nice to create a blog for my son. Yes, he is only 5, but he will be closely supervised. All the comments come to my email. Since he only knows how to spell a handful of words, he mainly just dictates to me and I type. He also thinks of things he would like to show in photos, like his artwork for example, and I help him post those as well. I think this would do a great deal to develop his storytelling skills, his spelling, and his reading abilities.

He decided on his own to name his blog Hi 'n' Welcome. He is so enthusiastic about posting, he made five posts on the first day. I am so happy that he can share this part of my life because I don't really know any other bloggers in real life.
If any of you have younger children who have blogs and would like Jake to visit, just let me know and I will add the link to his blog list.
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Mamalicious Monday, hosted by Heather of
The Gift Closet, and you will be entered in a drawing to win a great prize each week you play along. All you have to do is post about something related to being a mama . . . which can just about be anything.