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New Years Resolutions?

I don't normally make New Year's resolutions because I have a history of not following through with them. I don't even think I last 24 hours.

I do have a lot of things I want to change in my life in 2009 though. So I am going to focus on the top two which mainly have to do with my feeling like my life is out of control . . .

1) I am going to make a schedule for everything I have to do and try to not do so much work during the day so that I can spend more time with my children. Amongst those things are:

- Writing for my blogs (blog posts, memes, reviews, giveaways, sponsored posts, etc . . . )
- Reconnecting with all the great bloggers I have been neglecting
- Being a moderator on the SuperMoms World Forums
- Being part of the MomDot Street Team
- Maintaining the free blog listings on
- Creating new product designs for
- Creating new blog designs for ABOG Designs
- Custom orders for both and ABOG Designs
- Household chores

2) Since I had the radioactive iodine treatment in May of 2008, I have started to gain weight because my thryoid is starting to become underactive. I am going to have to make a schedule that includes exercising. I use to just fit it in whenever possible, but my busy life has caused that to dwindle down to almost nothing. I'm still having problems dealing with the way my body is after having carried twins, I don't need extra weight gain because of my thyroid. I remember when I was in college, how traumatic it was for me to break 100lbs. Now I long for that problem. ;P

Will any of you out there be making any resolutions this year and do you think you'll stick to them?