For this week's Silly Monkey Story, I am pleased to bring you a guest blogger . . . my dear husband. He has a story to share that I was not present to witness. Hope you enjoy it and give him some comment love!
My sons first taekwon do class after receiving his yellow belt brought a surprise. The owner of the entire studio, a giant megaplex of various enrichment activities, is a guy named Robert. He is the boss, and as such you never see him, let alone talk to him.To give my wife a break I brought the twins with me to watch their brother Jake this class. Robert was there in the foyer and went nuts over the twins. This is the most I have ever spoken to the guy. He basically spent the entire 45 minutes talking to me about kids.
Anyways, after class Robert, Jake, the twins, and myself were by the door about to leave. Right at that moment a technician walked into the foyer to talk to Robert. We were all right there next to each other. Well, the tech was about 6'3" and maybe in his 50's. He saw my son there in his giant taekwon do uniform and and started to joke. He said, "Wow, I better be careful, you look tough!" Jake smiled, obviously loving it. Then the guy said "Well, maybe you're not so tough..." Well, this is where things get a little crazy. I looked at Jake and said, "Show him how tough you are Jake" (in hindsight an amazingly large mistake).
Now you must understand a few things before I tell you what happened next:
#1 When I ask Jake to be tough or make muscles he just strikes an awesomely cute pose and growls.
#2 Taekwon do for kids absolutely FORBIDS using it outside the studio and certainly never ever unless its self defense.
#3 Jake is a perfect gentleman (outside the house) and is often very shy.
#4 I just want to remind you that the owner of the frick'n studio is right there! The guy I basically never spoken to before that day.
At that moment Jake took exactly two steps forward and did the most perfect front ball kick I have ever seen him do . . . right into the tech's knee cap!! HARD. I was mortified. I looked at Robert in utter disbelief! Everybody laughed except for me. Robert threw his hands in the air and said, "That's what we DON'T want them to do and walked away laughing. The tech made a few jokes and stuff but I know it hurt. Poor Jake didn't know what to do, it was obviously very wrong but we were all laughing at the same time. He didn't say a peep on the way home.
Man all the stars lined up in the wrong way at that moment!
If you have a Silly Monkey Story to share, sign Mr. Linky below with the link to your blog post (not the link to your main blog page). Please do not forget to visit the other participates and leave them comments to let them know you stopped by!