If you have a Wordpress blog, own a small business, or host a forum, then web hosting is something you need to make an informed decision about if you want your site to be more than just ordinary. Whether you are looking to start something new or to replace the web hosting service you currently use, it may be helpful for you to see who customers declared to be the best of 2008 in categories such as Best Budget Hosting, Best Blog Hosting, Best Forum Hosting, and Best E-commerce Hosting.
As a WAHM, I completely rely on the reviews of other customers, not just for toys and household items, but for my business as well. Since my businesses are so small, I would really be interested in finding the most affordable web hosting out there that also offers dependable service. Since there are so many choices available to me, I really depend on feedback from others about their experiences, both good and bad. I need to make the right decision the first time because I cannot afford to make a mistake. As I stated previously, my businesses are small and I do not have investors backing me . . . just little old me.
Aside from being affordable, my E-commerce hosting service needs to be secure. It is a huge responsibility to have access to all the credit card information provided for order processing therefore a secure web host is a must. I not only have to protect my own finances, but I have a duty to protect my customers as well.
I know from personal experience how intimidating it is to launch a small business and the pressure of needing to make smart decisions. I wish I had more resources back then about the various options for web hosting. It would certainly have made me feel more confident in my decisions.