I just wanted to share about the great deals we found at Toys R Us on Tuesday. We went there because we had a $10 off coupon and they were supposedly having a huge clearance sale with an additional 20% off their clearance prices.
I was a little disappointed when we arrived because I expected to see huge clearance sections. Instead, all the clearance items were mixed into each aisle. Perhaps we should have shopped several days earlier? Here's what we did find though . . .

I had my eye on these Animal Alley Hugga Me's since before the twins were born. There was a huge assortment of different pairs of cuddly animals, all hugging each other. The pair comes apart when you unfasten their velcro-clad hands. I did not measure them, but they look to be about 15 inches tall. There were only two pairs left . . . a pair of mice and these lions, so we went with the lions since Luke is so fond of his Goliath doll (from JoJo's Circus). The second I put these in the cart next to Luke, he started to rub his face on one of the lion's manes and could not stop grinning. These sold for
$14.99, but I purchased the pair for just

We were thinking about buying Makenzie her first tricycle. Luke is going to inherit Jake's old one, but we did not have anything ready for Kenzie. We ended up with this one mainly because of the price. It did not receive the best reviews, but most people complained that it could not hold a larger child. Well, I happen to have a petite 15mos old preemie. This Mini Girls Trike is listed at $25.99, but we snagged it for $7.92. I won't mind her outgrowing this one quickly at that price. Then we can replace it with something nicer. By then, I predict she will be more interested in riding.

The last deal I wanted to share is this 3-D Power Rangers Helmet we picked up for Jake. We thought that Jake will pass along his helmet along with his old tricycle to Luke. This was perfect since Jake is crazy about Power Rangers Operation Overdrive. Also, this is a multi-sport helmet, so it can be used with a scooter or a skateboard someday. This helmet is currently selling on Amazon.com for
$29.99 + $11.99 shipping!! I am thrilled to report that I only paid
$3.33 for it. I would have been even more thrilled if I could have found a similar deal on a toddler helmet for Makenzie, but no such luck.
If you are a die-hard bargain shopper, I encourage you to check your local Toys R Us to see what deals and steals you can find. You have to really look and dig, but it's worth it when you find bargains like these.