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Easy Craft: DIY "I Love You Because . . . " Dry Erase Board

This craft was inspired by Lianne's "Love" Message Board tutorial on the A Content Housewife blog.  I changed a few things to make this project a good fit for me, as you will probably change some things if you decide to do this super-easy craft.

I decided to do this craft in honor of Valentine's Day because our house is a busy, high-stress place.  We always remember to speak up when something needs to be done, when something is bothering us, and when something is wrong.  We do not always take the time to make sure we focus on the positive things about each member of our family.  That is why I decided to make one of these "I Love You Because" Memo Boards for my husband and each of our three children so that there is always a positive message to each of them prominently displayed on our living room wall.  These would also make a great gift for an anniversary, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and even a birthday.

12x12" or 12x10" glass front picture frame
1 sheet scrapbook paper
alphabet decals
dry erase marker
permanent markers (optional)

Step 1:  If you chose a picture frame smaller than 12x12", use scissors to trim the scrapbook paper to the correct size by using the insert that came with the frame as a guide.

Step 2:  Use the self-adhesive alphabet decals to write out the desired message, making sure to leave enough room underneath for you to write your message.

Step 3:  (Optional) You can add anything you would like to the paper, such as a drawing, using a permanent marker.  For example, I added the 3 dots after the word "because" with a marker because the decals I purchased did not come with enough periods for all four memo boards.

Step 4:  Insert your finished page into the frame.

(Click any photo to enlarge)

Step 5:  Write your first message on the glass front of the picture frame using a dry erase marker.

Step 6:  Find a prominent place to display your message board(s) so that everyone can see why you love your family.

Ways to make this project your own . . . 

  • Lianne used her computer printer to put the text on her paper.  ( I was too worried that I would make an error with positioning the text, so I went with decals instead.)
  • Also like Lianne, you can use hot glue to add embellishments to the frame.
  • If you have great penmanship or know calligraphy, then you could forego the decals and the printer and hand write "I love you because . . . " right on the paper.
  • You could use fabric instead of scrapbook paper inside the frame and embroider "I love you because . . . " right on it.
  • If doing this project with a child, you could use stickers or ask him or her to draw some original artwork to use as your background.

If you end up trying this easy craft, I would love to hear about how it turned out.  You can also share a photo of your creation on the 3G2S Facebook page.