Since we started our family, my husband and I have tried to create fun Holiday traditions for our children. Special memories are something we want our children to have plenty of. Some of our traditions are leaving cookies and milk out for Santa, plus baby carrots and water for the reindeer. We also have a magic key we hang outside our door, so that Santa can get in the house since we don't have a chimney. On every Christmas we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast after the children have opened their gifts from Santa, but before they open any of their other gifts. On Christmas Eve, my husband reads 'Twas the Night Before Christmas to the children for their bedtime story.
Not all traditions can be planned though. For example, our youngest son always eats too much at Christmas dinner and throws up during the car ride home. We definitely did not plan that one!
Do you have any unplanned Holiday traditions?
Happy Holidays from our home to yours!
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