There are some movies that I can just watch again and again, such as Armageddon, Independence Day, and Men in Black. So I was excited to hear that Men In Black 3 was going to be released this November because we had missed it in the theaters. We actually do not get the chance to see many movies in the theater that are not rated G.
Since we have switched from cable TV to strictly streaming media at our house, we have been watching more movies on DVDs and on services like Vudu. There are extra perks for using Vudu.com. For example, when you first register, you get to choose a free movie as a thank you. They have also partnered with Walmart to give consumers access to certain new releases, such as MIB3, before they are even available in stores. Want to know how I will be watching this new release as early as November 16th when it does not hit the stores until November 30th? Here's how . . .
Step 1. Look for the MIB3 Pre-Purchase box for either the Blu-ray/DVD Combo or just the DVD at your local Walmart store. I found mine conveniently located near the main entrance in a New Releases display.
Step 2. Open your box to find a paper disc inside (as pictured at the top of this post) with your Redemption Code and simple instructions about how to proceed printed on it.
Step 3. If you are already registered with Vudu, you will need to sign-in. If not, you will need to register on Vudu.com and allow Vudu to create an Ultra Violet account on your behalf. When this is done, you will see the "Congratulations" message along with an order number. An order confirmation will also be emailed to you to let you know that a physical DVD will be mailed to you by November 30th.
Step 4. Now you can go to the "My VUDU" tab and see all the movies you have currently available to watch via Vudu.
Step 5. If you hover over the MIB3 image, you will have the option to learn more about this movie. Click on that link to see what is available to you right now. As you can see below, the never-before-seen Featurette "Keeping It Surreal: The Visual FX of MIB3" is available for you to watch right away as a result of your pre-order. You can also see that the movie itself is not available to you until November 16th.
Easy, right?!! I, for one, cannot wait to watch the movie on the 16th! I find the time travel element to be very intriguing. If you would like to learn more about Men In Black 3, visit Sony Pictures, Men In Black on Facebook and on Twitter, and watch the trailer below . . .
For a great Holiday gift idea, keep in mind the MIB 3 Bundle, which is a gift set of all 3 digital Men In Black films.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sony #CBias #SocialFabric #SeeMIB3. All opinions expressed are my own.