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BlogHer 2010: Two Videos Highlighting My Experience

I have many more photos to share and plan on telling you about each event I attended during BlogHer 2010, as well as about all the bloggers I had the pleasure of meeting. I thought it would be easier to make a quick summary of my experience at the convention with these two videos.

As you know, my trip to BlogHer '10 was partially sponsored by Constructive Playthings and Just Jen. Having the Today's Girl doll with me was a great conversation-starter, especially when I found myself waiting patiently at booth to chat with the brand representatives or waiting not-so-patiently for the elevator.

I know I had shared some photos of the celebrities and cultural icons at BlogHer 2010, but here are two more . . .

I hope you enjoy these photos and videos and keep your eye out for more BlogHer 2010 photos to come this week!

(Click on any image to enlarge)

Thank you to Constructive Playthings for partially sponsoring my trip to BlogHer 2010.