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Review: Disney's "OLD DOGS" (DVD)

The Disney film Old Dogs was released on a Blu-ray/DVD combo on March 9th. Being a huge fan of all three comedic actors Robin Williams, John Travolta, and Seth Green I really could not turn down a chance to review this DVD.

Because I am such a huge fan, I think my expectations were too high. I found this to be a good movie, which had many entertaining parts, but it was not the outstanding movie I was looking for.

Old Dogs is definitely a movie that is suitable for the whole family to watch, but I did not find it to be very engaging for children. The main focus was not on the children, but rather on two business men who are at the end of the middle age spectrum. These two men, best friends who were accustomed to their bachelor lifestyles, were faced with taking on the role of parents for two weeks. The movie was ultimately about how these two men learned that the lone lifestyle they once cherished may not be the right one for them any longer.

The images below describe the change these men underwent better than any words could possibly . . .

This is the start to one of the funnier scenes from the film . . . one I think my 6yr old son would have enjoyed if he had not decided to go off to play rather than sit through the movie:

I don't know why this movie did not work for me. Perhaps putting two leading men together limited each actor's opportunities to shine? I also found some of the humor to be borderline slapstick and I much prefer intelligent humor, something I think Travolta and Williams excel at delivering. Unlike the 1987 movie 3 Men and a Baby, which also told the story of confirmed bachelors being thrusted into fatherhood, Old Dogs would appeal more to men than to women.

You can find the Blu-ray/DVD combo of Disney's Old Dogs at the Disney Store and other retailers of Disney movies.

Thank you to Click-Communications for sending us a sample DVD free of charge to base this review upon.