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'Book Three: The Cavern of Promise' Completes Clark Burbidge's Giants in the Land Trilogy

Giants in the Land Book Trilogy by Clark Burbidge, a book series for middle schoolers.  |
Thank you to PR by the Book for providing a copy of the Giants of the Land Trilogy for us to base this review upon. All opinions expressed are our own.

Giants in the Land is a book series by award-winning author, Clark Burbidge, about a young man named Thomas, who goes on exciting adventures as he grows older. In Book One: The Way of Things, he has to find the giants who have gone missing. In Book Two: The Prodigals, he has to find and neutralize a common threat to the giants and humans. In the recently released Book Three: The Cavern of Promise, there is a tyrannical giant king that captures Thomas and wants to kill the true king, Sonspeaker.

I liked the trilogy, mostly because I love adventure/action books. Also, I like how the book is based in medieval times. I like learning about what life was like back then. One of my favorite parts is when Thomas battles a giant warrior in the evil king’s arena and wins against all odds.

There were some parts of this trilogy that could have been better, such as the cliffhanger at the end of the first book. I think that it was a little discouraging, and I wasn't looking forward to reading the second book as much as I was originally. Also, I think the giant king of Westwood was a little overly dramatic with the explanation of the Madog.

This trilogy is definitely worth reading.  I would recommend it for kids 10 years old and above. There is some bloodshed, so be cautioned.
Clark Burbidge, author of Giants in the Land Trilogy
Award-winning author, Clark Burbidge

To learn more about the Giants in the Land Trilogy, where to purchase the books, and Clark Burbidge, visit

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