I have been a Coach customer for over 20 years. I used to buy strictly leather Coach bags, but since the leather used in the handbags has changed noticeably over the years, I have slowly migrated away from their leather bags.
Something else that's changed slightly is the exclusivity of who can sell first quality Coach products, especially online. You can find Coach bags on Amazon, Ebay, and other websites that you may have never heard of before. All the sellers state that they are authorized dealers, but how can you be sure? Although there are plenty of resources online that help you to discern a genuine coach bag from a replica, there is always that little bit of concern in the back of my mind. Since a fellow fashion blogger told me about Coach Factory Online, the official online Coach Factory outlet, I no longer need to risk shopping for deals on Coach bags elsewhere online. I still look to see what's on sale in the Coach department at Macy's when I'm there, but the selection is much larger at the online outlet.
All you need to do to start receiving invitations to the Coach Factory Online sales events is to register on their homepage or you can drop me a note with your email and I can send you an invitation since I'm an existing member. It's completely free! When I first registered, I was skeptical about how good the prices would really be, but just wanted to take a look for myself. The website says that the invitations to each sale event are sent at random, suggesting that not everyone receives invitations to every event. That may be true, but I receive quite a few regularly. Also, the selection changes quite frequently, so you can always return the following week if you don't see something you love.
I was pretty thrilled to get the Coach Park Metro Signature Tote for $133.56 (Reg. $318) and the Coach Darcy Patent Leather Medium Skinny for $24.48 (Reg. $68). On top of that, I got free shipping because my order totaled at least $150! Don't get me wrong, I don't buy Coach bags on a regular basis, but I wanted to share this site with those of you who may be in the market for one. When you see the one that is the perfect match for you at a huge discount . . . it's kismet!!!