Photo credit: The Adventures of J-Man and Millerbug
Join us for the #NaturalProbiotic Twitter party, where we will be talking about taking fresh and healthy steps into spring! Some of those New Year’s health and wellness resolutions may have frozen with the winter. It’s time to thaw them out and renew a plan for balance in our health! We will be discussing the benefits of insync®, a natural probiotic that promotes digestive system balance. Bring your tips to the party!
My children managed to stay healthy all winter long. As soon as spring arrived, they all came down with a stomach bug. Our oldest son's digestive system still has not returned back to normal. His stomach gets upset easily and he has yet to regain his regular appetite. I can't help but wonder if a probiotic would help in his case? I can't wait for the upcoming Twitter Party, so I can learn more from those of you who are more experienced with such dietary supplements!
Join us for the #NaturalProbiotic Twitter Party!
DATE: Tuesday, April 15th
TIME: 12-1 pm ET
PRIZES: 5 – $100 VISA Gift Cards
EARLY BIRD: 1 $50 VISA Gift Card
RSVP: #NaturalProbiotic RSVP Page
LOCATION: SoFabChats Tweet Grid
HOST: @LaughWithUsBlog
CO HOSTS: @_Karen, @aboutamom, @FrugalGreenMama
PARTY RULES: #NaturalProbiotic Official Rules
RSVP for #NaturalProbiotic Twitter Party 4/15 12pm ET. Wellness tips! Prizes $550! Rules #shop #cbias
— Karen Coutu (@_Karen) April 9, 2014
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