I hope everyone is having a wonderful year so far....I can't believe we are already half way through January! How are you doing on your New Year's resolutions? Getting healthy, losing weight, and cutting back on caffeine are all popular resolutions to make and including more Bigelow Tea in your day is a great way to get started. Whether it is a glass of refreshing homemade iced tea, a soothing herbal blend or an invigorating mug of green tea, picking up some Bigelow Tea on your next trip to Walmart will help you achieve your goals for a healthier you!
All 3G2S readers are cordially invited to join me at the #AmericasTea Twitter Party where we’ll discover together how easy it can be to incorporate tea into your daily routine for a healthier you in 2014 simply by replacing soda, juice and coffee with a mug of Bigelow tea!
Join me at the #AmericasTea Twitter Party on SoFabChats!
DATE: Tuesday, January 21st
TIME: 1-2pm ET
PRIZES: $500 in Walmart Gift Cards
Let your friends know about this fun party by sending out a tweet . . .
Join #AmericasTea Twitter Party 1/21 1pm ET. Make the switch! $500 in prizes! Rules http://t.co/ri2FKQNjGX #shop #cbias
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