As a blogger, it is easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of Holiday features throughout the fall season. It's exciting to introduce our readers to gift ideas, new products, and to give some of those products away. As Christmas approaches, I am looking forward to that whirlwind settling so that I can take the time to appreciate the things about the Holidays that make this time of year joyous for me.
One of the things that makes the Holidays special for me online (aside from shopping) is the community. I am only a member of an extremely small number of blogging communities and am an active member in just two. One of these communities is Social Fabric run by Collective Bias, who is in large part responsible for helping me to improve my blog's content over the past year and a half or so.
Another benefit of being part of a supportive community like Social Fabric is that I have had the chance to cross paths with a great number of bloggers who were never on my radar before. One of these bloggers is Heather of Girl Gone Mom. If you've never visited her parenting lifestyle blog, I highly recommend that you do. As part of this year's Social Fabric Ornament Exchange, Heather sent me this adorable owl tree ornament and this lovely Holiday card. If you follow me on Pinterest or Twitter, then you know that I am infatuated with owls. I have been for quite some time and it is hard to believe that this is my very first owl ornament.
Thank you Heather!! I'll always smile when I hang this ornament on our little tree every year!