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A News Program Designed for Parents and Children to Watch Together #channelonenews
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Channel One News. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Before we switched to strictly streaming media, I recall the countless number of times when a feeling of panic would come over me whenever one or more of our children would walk into the room while my husband and I were watching the news on television. Although there were some feel-good news stories, more often than not we were watching a story about something tragic and horrific. The news and current events turned into something that was on a need-to-know basis for our children, which is unfortunate because some news stories are reporting about history in the making. Our children could learn quite a bit about the world from watching the news and that's where Channel One News comes in.
The Channel One News website is designed for parents and educators to use as a way to teach their children about current events and other newsworthy topics in a way that children can comprehend. Channel One News stories and videos often open the door for children to ask questions and to have an open discussion about real world topics. It could become part of your family's daily routine to talk about the news over breakfast or at the dinner table.
Parents can register at by filling out a short form. Be sure to select 'Parent' in the drop down menu, so you will be directed to the correct page. Once registered, you can access new programming daily, as well as recent news stories and a video library. I think the Channel One News website would be a wonderful resource for students working on current event projects for school. Parents can also download the beta version of the Family Daily Mobile App, which not only provides access to the daily news programming, but also suggests questions you can use to discuss the topic at hand with your children.
To learn more about Channel One News, visit Channel One News on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and YouTube.