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My Photos: Board-Breaking Event at Taekwondo

So I have been quite overwhelmed with deadlines the past month.  I am constantly saying that I have to stop taking on so much, but I always end up doing it to myself again.  Before I knew it, I had a month's worth of photos in my folder waiting to be sorted through.  I completely missed sharing photos of Father's Day, my two son's taekwondo belt tests, and their belt ceremonies.  With back-to-school and Holiday 2013 coming up, let's see if I can regain some control over my editorial schedule.  It will be quite a challenge, but it is necessary to maintain my sanity.

Here are some photos of our two sons and daughter breaking boards at a taekwondo event.  It was lots of fun and so amazing to see the looks on their faces when they succeed in breaking a board using a technique they've never tried before.

Click here to view all my past favorite photos.