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I am a Boys & Girls Club (BGCA) Back to School Ambassador!
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Boys & Girls Clubs of America. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
In 2012, I was delighted to help spread the word about the charitable partnership between the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and JCPenney. For Back-to-School 2013, I am proud to announce that I have been selected to be a Boys & Girls Club (BGCA) Back to School Ambassador. Education is important to me. I not only want the best education possible for my own children, but I think every child deserves an equal chance to excel in school. A huge part of making that happen is to make sure they have somewhere to go after school, where they can find help with their homework, participate in extra curricular activities, and to keep them busy, productive, and out of trouble.
Although I am able to be there for my children after school, a huge benefit to working from home, most of their friends have parents who work outside of the home. There are only a small handful of after school programs available to these students and even fewer that are affordable. Many of my children's friends are part of the more affordable Boys & Girls Club after school program.
Once again this year, the JCPenney Cares Round Up Campaign is raising money to support these Boys & Girls Club after school programs nationwide. All you need to do to support this cause is to round up your purchase to the nearest dollar when you shop at JCPenney. Charitable campaigns such as these are what help to keep these after school programs running, as well to keep them affordable for the average family.
To learn more about the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, about its charitable partnerships with companies like JCPenney, and about how you can help, visit