I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Orbit for Kids. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. All opinions expressed are my own.
My husband and I have worked hard to get our 3 children into a good dental health routine. We got them on the right track by filling out a chart where they would earn a smiley face if all 3 of them brushed, flossed, and rinsed. When the chart was filled, they earned a trip to the movies. This worked very well because it was a group effort and they would remind each other to do what was required to earn a smiley face.
In spite of all our efforts, we know our children's teeth aren't being kept as clean as they could be. Even if they never tried to sneak by with a 20-second brushing or without flossing or using their mouth rinse, what happens during those 13 or 14 hours between the time they brush in the morning until the time they brush before bedtime? That's where Orbit for Kids comes in.
In addition to brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, many people use sugarfree gum to keep their teeth clean throughout the day. Now Orbit has created a new sugarfree gum for children for this very purpose. The Orbit for Kids gum has received the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance because of the following benefits . . .
- This sugarfree gum helps to keep the mouth free of food particles.
- Chewing Orbit for Kids increases the production of saliva, which protects the teeth.
- The increased saliva also neutralizes plaque acids.
Our children love that they can chew gum that will help them keep their teeth cleaner. All 3 children enjoyed the Strawberry Banana flavor, but are anxious to find the Original Bubble Gum flavor in-stores because they could not blow bubbles with the Strawberry Banana variety.
Orbit for Kids comes in convenient envelopes, containing 14 tabs of individually wrapped gum, or in multi-pack bags with ten 6-tab micro packs. You should be able to find them in the candy aisle in stores nationwide starting this month. Visit Orbit for Kids online to learn more.