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My Photos: Artwork Produced By Our 9 Year Old Son

This week, our children's elementary school will be hosting their annual Student Art Show.  Our 9 year old son brought home his art portfolio filled with the works of art that was not included in this year's show.  He has always been very talented and has even had one of his pieces included in a student art show at the Worcester Museum of Art when he was just 7 years old.

I know I may be biased, but I was truly impressed with the body of work he brought home.  If these are the ones that were not included in the show, I can't wait to see what will be displayed at the show this week.  The pieces below are my personal favorites among all the artwork he has brought home this year so far . . .

Our son said that this first piece was inspired by the work of Eric Carle.

Of course, I cannot wait to see the artwork proudly displayed by all 3 of our talented children.  Each one has their own unique style.  I'll most certainly share the photos next week.

Click here to view all my past favorite photos.