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As a Man, Hair Loss is Important to Me, But . . .
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Viviscal. I received product samples and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
There was a time when I never worried about losing my hair. On my mother's side, hair was not an issue. My grandfather in fact had a full head of hair into his nineties. Even though my dad had a bald spot on the top of his head in his thirties, I always assumed my mother's genes would prevail. Now that I am in my forties, I am starting to realize my mother's genes have only offered me partial protection. My hairline is slowly receding.
Still, I am not nuts over keeping my hair. Sure, I would love to have the thick mane I enjoyed as a younger man, but I would much prefer to gracefully go bald than to try all those crazy, and often silly looking, things men do to keep their hair. Heck, I would rather just shave my head! Of course, if I do that, I will need to start working out . . . but that's a completely different topic.
Having said all of that, I would always be up for some sort of topical or oral supplement, like Viviscal Man, that could actually strengthen my real hair and promote existing hair growth. I know there are many products on the market, but I am still skeptical about many of them. I also would not spend a ton of money on anything that is not real and clinically proven to work.
Hair loss is important to me, but it is not such a big deal that I would go to any extremes to address it. Now if could just control where my hair grew....
How do the men in your life face the prospect of hair loss? Are they on the fence like I am or are they especially proactive about using preventative or restorative measures?
If you know of a man who would like to try Viviscal products, through July 31st, he can save 10% off on Viviscal Man and Viviscal Hair Filler Fibers at by checking out with Promo Code: VIVISCALMAN.