Positive reinforcement is always good for children and I am always looking for fun and unique ways to accomplish this task. Animal Buddies from Super Duper, Inc. is a great tool for providing children with that much-needed enforcement.
Animal Buddies is an awesome, well-made and well-thought out tool to help children learn what is acceptable. This is specially designed for utilizing during therapy, but it can work at home too. For us, we put the approximately 80 “food” tokens into a plastic jar (not included) and set it next to the vinyl Animal Buddies box. When either one of my children complete their assignment, chore, or other good behavior, they put a “token” into the appropriate mouth slot.
There is a bunny and carrots, a dog and bones, an elephant and peanuts, and a monkey with bananas. My children get to choose which they feed and sometimes they even like to mix and match the food and animal. Once the jar is completely empty (for us this takes about a week, but this could be adjusted for any time frame or group of children), there is a reward for both boys.
Our boys love filling the box with foods and they love their rewards for doing this. This is especially great because both kids are working towards a common goal and no one can or will get there before the other which really eliminates arguments. I think this is a fabulous tool for motivation and know it will greatly improve our home life.
You can purchase Animal Buddies on Super Duper, Inc. at www.superduperinc.com for $29.95.
Thank you to Super Duper, Inc. for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon. All opinions expressed are my own.