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Share Your Most Memorable Holiday Memories with Febreze
Through December 17th, Febreze will continue to post a new question daily asking about some of your most memorable Holiday memories. Today's question is about your "most memorable outfits from Holidays past." I'm not sure if I would have an answer for this question because I have managed to block out how my parents used to dress me before I was old enough to choose my own clothes. How would you answer this question? The "most memorable toy from Holidays past" is a much easier question to answer. That would be my Cheryl Ladd fashion doll!
Visit Febreze on Facebook to view all the latest questions and see how others have answered them. Then submit your answers to the questions that spark a favorite memory of yours. After all the questions have been posted, Febreze will be sharing the Top 10 Best Holiday Memories collect from their Facebook fans between 12/3 and 12/17. Will one of your favorite memories be included on this list?
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Febreze. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
Holiday 2012,