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My Photos: Christmas Day 2012

Since it's almost New Year's Eve, I figured I should not wait much longer to share my photos from Christmas Day.  Like always, I took far too many photos.  I took many on Christmas morning and lots at my sister's and brother-in-law's house, but I did a poor job of taking photos during Christmas dinner at my cousin's house.

We did break two of our Christmas traditions this year.  Instead of leaving Santa freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, we used our ninja cookie cutters to make him ninja sugar cookies.  Also, we avoided our youngest son getting sick on the way home from Christmas dinner by giving him a Hyland's Motion Sickness tablet before we left my cousin's house.

Here are just a small handful of photos highlighting our family's Christmas Day . . . 

"Ninja Sugar Cookies"

"A Visit from Santa"

"Our Traditional Christmas Breakfast"

"A Hand-drawn Gift"

"Group Hug"

"The Joy of Giving"

"Waiting for the Signal"

"Diving Right In"

"Favorite Uncle"

"Her Duck Collection is Growing"

"Cookie Decorating Kit from Whole Foods"

"A Work of Art"

"What's For Dessert?"

Click here to view all my past favorite photos.