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Silly Monkey Stories: A Werewolf and a Fly

I had neglected to share a Halloween photo last week, partially because we've been busy and partially because I've had the worst cough ever going on 4 weeks now.  There was another reason I had not shared the photo . . .

The children were so excited that it was not raining here after Hurricane Sandy's visit just two days before.  They all had a few costumes to choose from and they chose their very favorites to wear.  The children held off on trick-or-treating long enough for me to snap just a small handful of photos.  I was anxious to see how they turned out, so I loaded them onto my laptop to take a better look.  That was when I realized that our little werewolf's fly was open in every photo!

I was debating with myself about whether I should post a photo of our son that could be potentially embarrassing in the future . . . You know, like when he becomes President of the United States.  So, I talked it over with myself and decided to post it anyways.

Click here to read all our Silly Monkey Stories!