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Have a Men In Black 3 Family Movie Night Before the National Release Date! (#SeeMIB3 #CBias)
Now that our oldest son is almost 9 years old, my husband and I have decided that he should be able to watch carefully selected movies that our 5-1/2 year old twins are not yet allowed to watch. Having Family Movie Nights that are just for the 3 of us is something special we can offer him. He shares his parents, his toys, and his room, so it is nice to be able to plan something that is just for him. Our first "big boy" Family Movie Night movie was Men in Black 3. We waited until the twins went to bed on a weekend night and let our son stay up to watch the movie. He thought it was so cool that we were able to watch MIB3 2 weeks before the movie was to be released for purchase in stores!
Planning our movie night was actually super-easy. Here are the 5 things you will need to do . . .
1. Visit your local Walmart store to pre-order the MIB3 movie on Blu-ray or DVD by purchasing a special pre-purchase box.
2. Redeem the pre-purchase code inside the box by visiting If you do not already have an account, it is a quick process to register on Vudu. Once you have redeemed your code, you will see Men in Black 3 (Pre-Purchase) available under the MyVUDU tab.
3. Although you can view the movie on your PC, you can also watch it on your television via Vudu on your D-Link MovieNite Plus or Roku streaming media players. Simply go to Vudu HD on your streaming media menu and search for MIB3. Then select the "watch" option to view the movie.
4. Have some space-themed snacks on hand. Since it was evening-time I did not want to offer our son anything too sugary. I decided to serve Space Adventures Goldfish, Cheese Balls (they sort of resemble planets, don't they?), and green Gatorade.
5. I had our son wear black sunglasses and a black tie I made using black construction paper, black ribbon, and a piece of tape. All I did was turn a piece of black construction paper diagonally and cut a tie shape out of it, making sure I had an extra inch or so at the top. Then I made a one-inch fold at the top of the tie and secured it on the back with a piece of tape. Then I fed the black ribbon through the loop I had made on the back and tied the black necktie loosely around my son's neck.
What do you think? . . .
If you want to be able to say that you were one of the first ones to have a Men In Black 3 Family Movie Night, head over to Walmart to pick up your special pre-purchase copy. Our movie night was so much fun and we made some great memories with our son. He cannot wait to watch MIB3 again when our DVD copy arrives in the mail next week!
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sony #CBias #SocialFabric #SeeMIB3. All opinions expressed are my own.