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"The Trash Pack" Toys and 9 More Ideas for Non-Candy #Halloween Treats

Our children's school has a strict policy against sweet treats, such as cupcakes, candy, and cookies for school celebrations.  Some people think that the policy ruins the fun, but I have to disagree.  Our children do not seem to mind having alternative treats, both food and non-food items.  Last year, we handed out The Trash Pack toys to trick-or-treaters and the children just loved it.  Our own children enjoy collecting these little Trashies, as do many of their friends at school.  So this year, Moose Toys sent us enough single-pack Trash Pack toys for my children's teachers to hand out to all their students on Halloween.  I will be sending each of these jack-o-lantern buckets filled with Trash Packs to school as a surprise for the classes.  I have even managed to keep it a secret from my own children.

Ideas for Non-Candy Halloween Treats:

1.  The Trash Pack Toys
2.  Fun Pencils
3.  Mini Boxes of Raisins
4.  Pencil Toppers or Erasers
5.  Temporary Tattoos
6.  Granola or Fruit Cereal Bars (But, be aware of any nut allergies)
7.  Bookmarks (To promote literacy)
8.  Superballs
9.  Whistle Keychains (Handy as emergency whistles for kids)
10.  Mini Magnifying Glasses (To encourage exploration and discovery)

What items would you add to this list?

To learn more about The Trash Pack, including where to buy them, visit, where you will also find fun free games and downloads.  You can also find The Trash Pack on Facebook.

Thank you to Moose Toys for providing complimentary product samples for us to donate to our school.