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Shop 'n' Share: Personalized Hello Kitty & Marvel Super Heroes Tooth Fairy Pillows/Gift Card Holders

When our oldest son turned 6, we gave him a personalized tooth fairy pillow.  Unfortunately, that company is no longer in business.  So, when I saw these extremely adorable and affordable handmade personalized tooth fairy pillows on Etsy, I had to order one for each twin.  They actually do not turn 6 until January, but I wanted to share them with 3G2S readers today because these would make a great holiday gift.  You can even use them as a cute way to present a gift card to a child.  I will be tucking a gift card in the front pocket of each pillow as part of their birthday gifts.

These tooth fairy pillows are usually sold by It's The Small Things on Etsy for $6 each plus $2.50 shipping to a U.S. address or $3 shipping to a Canadian address.  If you happen to catch the item on sale (like it is now), then you can order one for just $5.10 plus shipping.  For an item that is handmade where you get to choose from a wide array of fabrics and have a name custom embroidered on the pillow, that is such a huge bargain!

I cannot wait to give these to our twins in January.  If you end up ordering one, be sure to come back to let me know which fabric you chose for yours!

These items were purchased with my own funds.  No compensation was received for sharing about this shopping experience with my readers.