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My Photos: The Princess Academy & Knight School at King Richard's Faire

If you recall, our family had our first experience with King Richard's Faire in early September of this year.  Well, we were lucky enough to receive a second set of passes to return again this season.  We saw and did so much during our first visit, but there was still so much we did not get to experience.  Someone once told me that you really need to spend three days there in order to see everything.

Our second visit was quite different because the children were dressed up in costumes and the weather was about 30 degrees colder.  I had made a list of everything we wanted to see, including when and where each show was going to take place.  Most of that went out the window when I realized that everything was scheduled back-to-back, so you really could not stay to the end of one show and still make it in time for the next show located somewhere else within the faire.

Two things we made sure we did not miss were the Princess Academy and Knight School.  These events were designed especially for children and was literally like going to princess school and knight school.  Although both were lots of fun, the Knight School experience was much more elaborate than the one designed for the Princess Academy.  Here are some photos from both . . .

The Princess Academy

"Learning To Curtsy Properly"

"The Arrival of Her Royal Highness, The Queen"

"A Lesson About What a Princess Does to Help Others"

"The Official Princess Royal Stamp"

Knight School

"A Lesson in Weaponry" and "The Arrival of His Royal Majesty, The King"

"Being Knighted" and "All Hail Sir Jake!"

"Sir Luke About to Be Presented by The King" and "The Queen, The King, Sir Luke, and Sir Jake"

"The King's Knighting Ceremony on the Jousting Field"


"Two Official Knights and a Princess"

To learn more about King Richard's Faire, which only comes to Carver, Massachusetts every year during September and October, visit  To see all my photos from our return to King Richard's Faire, visit 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires on Facebook.

Thank you to King Richard's Faire for providing press pass for my family to attend this event.  Thank you also to Party City for providing the Brave Crusaders Costumes worn by our two boys.