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My Photos: First Trip to the Ringling Bros. Circus

We took our children to see the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey "Fully Charged" Circus in Boston last week.  Although our 8 year old son had been to the Big Apple Circus in the past, it was our 5 year old twins' first trip to the circus ever.  They were beyond excited.

I fully expected to have a hundred great photos to share, but I had all sorts of problems with my Nikon D-SLR.  On automatic, the lens would only focus and allow me to take a photo when I was zoomed completely out.  Then about 1/3 of the way into the show, it snapped out of it and was functioning again.  By intermission, my camera battery had been drained from all my incessant clicking during the first 1/3 of the show in an effort to get the camera to work.  All my photos from the second half of the show were taken with the camera in my Samsung Focus Windows phone.  It was difficult enough to photograph using my D-SLR with all the special lighting effects that were part of the show, but it was even more challenging using my phone.

Here are some of my favorite photos from the opening night show . . .

You can view my photos of the All Access Pre-show Party here and all my photos from opening night here.

Click here to view all my past favorite photos.

My family received press passes to this show from Feld Entertainment.  Any opinions expressed are my own.