Ambition's Not An Awful Word is about a fourth grade poem about what Zack Zage wants to be when he grows up. Zack Zage wrote about himself in fourth grade and about his poem. From the third page to the last page, the odd number pages are about Zack's view of what he's going to be like doing various jobs.
The first job he talks about is being an astronaut and rocketing to the moon. I like this job because I think it is the coolest. I think it is the coolest because I'm really interested in space. Another job I'd like to talk about is Zack being a writer. I liked this because at school I really love writing. Zack's teacher will disagree on him being a writer because he scored a zero minus on his last spelling bee.
The older kids at Zack's school don't want him there because they think his poem is bad (with a capital "B"). They think that because they thought he was exaggerating about how great he was going to be. While his mom was tucking him in at the end of the day, she said to Zack that the moon left him a note that said it's okay to dream.
I think this book's good for ages 6 and up because the book has good messages about teasing and dreaming big.
You can find this Ivy Court Press book, Ambition's Not An Awful Word, by Zack Zage with illustrations by Adam Watkins, at most major retailers of children's books, such as Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.
Thank you to Ivy Court Press for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon.