Recently, I signed my children up for a parent volunteer-run program called "Kids With A Cause" at school. It is a group based on giving back through community service. They will start meeting at the end of this month and I just cannot wait for my children to experience that unique feeling of helping those who are less fortunate.
I believe in leading by example, so I was thrilled to be chosen for my first Simple Service Project for Champions For Kids, an organization that focuses on benefiting children. This energy savings project is perfect for me because I had the chance to be a little crafty and I was able to make a donation to my children's classrooms. I always try to keep up to date with the teachers' wishlists because I feel that the teachers should not have to spend so much of their own money to furnish their classrooms with supplies. The topic of my project, which was how much money one would save if they switch from standard light bulbs to GE CFL energy saving bulbs, was interesting to me because, although I have been using CFL bulbs for years, I never really knew how much money I saved by doing so . . . until now.
Today's Project: A 3-Dimensional Display Board On Saving Money by Using GE CFL Bulbs
Pretend Paper Money and Coins
Pointed or Chisel-tipped Magic Markers
Step 1. Use the GE energy smart® calculator to determine how much money you save per room each year by entering the quantity of each type of light bulb you use in each room.
Step 2. With the help of a ruler, divide the display board vertically into sections proportionate to how much money you save in each room. Then use the fine tip of one or more colors of magic markers to draw horizontal dotted lines across the left and center sections of the display board.
Step 3. With a dark magic marker and the help of a ruler, draw the outline of a house that spans the entire height and width of the center section of the display board.
Step 4. Fill in the names of the various rooms you have included in your calculations on the left section of the display board. Then fill in the amount of money you are estimated to save in each room according to the energy calculator you used in the center section of the display board. Lastly, write in any information you would like to share about this project on the right-hand section of the display board.
Step 5. To add dimension to the display, give the paper money a wavy and curly look by tacking it down to the display board with Elmer's School Glue. Instead of gluing all the bills flat, make some of them curly by tacking down in one spot (allowing the glue to dry for a few seconds) and then rumpling the bill and tacking it down in a second spot to help maintain the rumpled look. You can also curl the edges and corners of the bills with your fingers.
Step 6. To add further dimension to your display board, glue some of the bills facing forward onto the back of the display board.
I have to say that my children were extremely impressed by what I could do with a little Elmer's School Glue and some magic markers. What do you think? Do I get an "A" on my project?
My original idea for a donation to my children's school was to buy some Elmer's supplies for the art room. However, Walmart seemed to be running low on just about everything that would fit into my budget, so I opted for a small supply of glue sticks for each of my children's classrooms. They were so proud to have something to contribute to their classes, especially items that they use almost daily.
To see more great projects on behalf of Champions For Kids, visit Elmer's and GlueNGlitter on Twitter, as well as Elmer's Craft It!, GlueNGlitter, and Champions For Kids on Facebook.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Elmer’s #CBias #SocialFabric #GlueNGlitter. All opinions expressed are my own.