Jumping from one child in grade school to having three has been quite a transition for me. It was so much easier when I only had one set of homework to check, just one lunch to pack, one set of emergency forms to fill out, and one outfit for picture day to pick out. I could go on all day. Really.
One of the things that I am dealing with now that I did not have a problem with when my oldest was in kindergarten is that the twins sometimes get their morning snacks mixed up with their lunchtime snacks. It is important that they keep them straight because their classrooms need to be peanut-free, where the cafeteria does not. This is where our Stainless Nesting Trio from Pottery Barn Kids comes in.
My husband and I try to use the 3-1/2" diameter stainless steel containers for the twins' morning snacks as often as we can. That way, they do not have to try to remember which snack they are supposed to eat in the classroom. For the days when the twins receive a packaged snack, such as a mini bag of pretzels, we put a small sticker on the bag so they can easily identify it as their morning snack.
This trio is leak proof, so we are able to pack much more than just dry snacks in them. These containers are BPA, lead, and phthalate-free. I have used a medium size (4" diameter) container for my oldest son for years. This year for back-to-school, Pottery Barn Kids sent the Nesting Trio for our daughter in pink, which may be a PBK exclusive. I have not seen these containers in the pink, blue, green, or turquoise anywhere else. I ended up buying another set for her twin brother because I love them so much. The large size container has a 4-3/4" diameter and is perfect for larger items, like peanut butter graham crackers or a bunch of grapes.
The PBK Stainless Nesting Trio sells for $29 and currently ships free! Visit PotteryBarnKids.com for more information about this item and to see what other items are on their free shipping list.
Thank you to Pottery Barn Kids for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon.