For the first time ever, all three of our children are in school full time. By the time they get home around 4pm or so, they are starving. I always give them a small snack to help carry them over until dinner. Now that all three children are taking taekwondo two days a week, our afternoons are pretty hectic on those days.
Today, for example, the bus was 10 minutes late. We had 20 minutes to get to taekwondo, have all three children change into their uniforms, use the potty (if needed), and have a small bite to eat. Since they would need energy for taekwondo, I wanted to give them something more than pretzels or raisins. I was able to do that with the help of Hot Pockets.
Over the weekend, we had picked up some Hot Pockets in the freezer section at Walmart. They were priced at about what our supermarket usually sells them for during a sale. We usually buy the Pepperoni Pizza variety, but I wanted our children to try some of the others, so I bought one Philly Steak & Cheese and one Ham & Cheese, as well. They all agreed that they wanted to try the steak and cheese first.
Before I left the house to meet the children at the school bus stop this afternoon, I heated two Philly Steak & Cheese Hot Pockets in the microwave. Then I cut each one in half to make them more manageable for little hands and packed them in a food container, which then went inside an insulated snack cube.
I was pleased to find that the Hot Pockets were still warm by the time we got to taekwondo. Our 5-1/2 year old twins were in the first class, so they only were able to take one bite of theirs before class started. They then grabbed another bite halfway through the class during their water break and were able to finish the rest after their class ended and our 8-1/2 year old son's class began. He was lucky in that he got to eat his Hot Pocket right away before he started on his homework during the twins' class. 2 out of 3 of the children loved the Philly Steak & Cheese. Our 5-1/2 year old son is still loyal to his Pepperoni Pizza Hot Pockets.
It was nice to be able to give our children a hot snack to eat, especially on a damp and rainy day such as today. I will have the children try the Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets next and will need to stock up on the steak and cheese variety. As you can see, we still have plenty of the Pepperoni Pizza . . .
To learn more about Hot Pockets and other back-to-school snack ideas, visit Walmart.com, Hot Pockets on Facebook, and follow Nestlé Kitchens and #HotPocketSnacks on Twitter.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Nestle #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions are solely my own.