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Finding Balance With Asperger's: Tools for Left-Handed Children with Special Needs

In addition to having Asperger’s, my 5 year old son, Quinn, is left handed. Being left handed when most things are set up for right handers makes things more difficult for Quinn, but when you add his fine motor delay to that, he has even more challenges to overcome. When I saw the Therapy Shoppe’s Lefty Survival Kit, I knew that I wanted to try out what this kit had to offer.

This occupational therapist-developed kit helps parents and teachers provide lefties with helpful and effective classroom tools. This kit contains 2 lefty spiral notebooks, 3 different pencil grips, and custom handwriting board that automatically places and keeps paper at the right angle for left handed people, and 2 different pairs of lefty scissors (blunt tip and regular). 

Quinn loved the lefty notebook and scissors and, being a lefty myself, I also can appreciate the “backwards” spirals and face of the scissor edge to make writing and cutting easier. We really love the “claw” pencil grip that was included, and it seems to be the one most suitable for Quinn. My favorite thing though is the custom handwriting board. This unique board helps Quinn so much because he doesn’t have to worry about holding his paper correctly to write, thus giving him the ability to concentrate on making his handwriting neat and legible. This board has been so helpful to us and I highly recommend it.

(Click any photo to enlarge)

All these tools would be handy for any lefty you know, but would be a lifesaver for a lefty on the spectrum. You can buy this kit for $33.99 at

Thank you to the Therapy Shoppe for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon.