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What You'll Need to Know About Teaching Your Children to Swim This Summer

The first day of summer really sneaked up on us this year.  Our first clue was our pool pass showing up in the mail yesterday.  The second would be the near-100 degree weather we're experiencing.  If you're getting ready to do some swim training with your children like we are this summer, then you should arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible about the dos and don'ts of teaching children to swim.  A wonderful resource for swim tips is the site  You can also connect with experts and other parents by joining the interactive Swim Steps Community.  The dangers of drowning has always been something that has made me nervous about allowing my children to play in or near water.  I want to do our swim training the right way.

We will definitely be using swim vests and other tools for our children this summer.  Before you go shopping for swim gear for your children, here is a printable manufacturer's coupon for $2.00 off a purchase of 2 or more SwimWays products that can be used at many major retailers, such as Walmart, Sports Authority, and Bed Bath & Beyond.  This coupon expires on July 31st, 2012.

This post was written as part of a Swim Steps Swim Team Ambassador program.