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Inspired by the SKECHERS Shoes for Girls . . . "Twinkle Toes: The Movie" Debuts on DVD July 31st

All three of our children are huge fans of SKETCHERS footwear, but our daughter is especially taken with the girls' line of SKETCHERS "Twinkle Toes" shoes.  Can you blame her?  These shoes are works of art geared towards everything young girls of today want . . . to sparkle, be bold, and to outrun the boys on the playground (well, at least our daughter does).  So, I was not surprised when she became super-excited at the news of an upcoming DVD called Twinkle Toes:  The Movie.  This new DVD is scheduled for release on July 31st.  Be sure to keep an eye out for our review closer to the release date.

Want to find out more about what Grace “Twinkle Toes” Hastings is up to in this movie?  Watch this short trailer to catch a glimpse of what's in store for her . . .

To help your child become acquainted with Twinkle Toes, you can visit for fun activities and games.

Debuts on DVD on July 31st, 2012