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The Glad Black Bag Art Auction Helped to "Keep America Beautiful"
It always amazes me how much trash our family of five can generate. This happens in spite of our efforts to recycle and reuse what we can. We use Glad Black Bags mostly for our kitchen trash because we can pull them out of the trash can when it gets full and then stuff the bags even more. Every time I strayed and purchased other brands because of a sale, my husband always just sighed and shook his head. After several leaks and suffering through awful odors, I eventually learned my lesson.
Whenever a trusted brand does something to benefit a worthy cause, I always feel even better about buying product from a company that gives back. Earlier this month, Glad auctioned off four original pieces of art by mosaic artist Jason Mecier, created from upcycled trash belonging to several Hollywood celebrities and unique items contributed by Great American Cleanup™ volunteers. The proceeds of the auction went towards supporting Keep America Beautiful. I'm happy to report that my favorite piece from the Glad Black Bag Art Auction, the "Wild Life" Raccoon, sold for $380. The other pieces sold for as high as $610 each.
What's next for Glad Black Bag? . . . The Wild Life, whose family of five actually inspired the pieces created by Jason Mecier, has launched a contest for $25,000 where everyone is invited to create their own reality television trailer. Visit Glad on Facebook to checkout the original The Wild Life trailer and to learn about how to enter to win the daily $100 prizes, snag some Glad coupons, and more.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Glad Black Bag and received a Glad Black Bag product and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. I was also asked to "pin" one (1) Glad Black Bag Art Auction photo on Pinterest.
Household Product Reviews,
Trash Bags,
Worthy Causes