We recently received the LEGO Star Wars Tie Fighter (kit 9492) from ThinkGeek for review. I need to tell you I was as giddy as a school kid and could not wait to build it. It is not often you can combine two of the most impactful influences of your childhood into one activity. I think I can speak for all men my age (any age?) and say that Star Wars and LEGO's were a MAJOR part of our childhoods.
The Star Wars Tie Fighter kit comes with 413 pieces including 4 figures. The parts were laid out in labeled bags and pre-build preparation was a snap (blatant pun).
(Click any photo to enlarge)
The build was challenging but not hard. LEGO does such an amazing job creating instructions that really take any mystery out of the build. Assembly took about 40 minutes with the kids helping (30 without?). Although the age range for this kit starts at 8 years old, I would say parental help at that age is recommended.
The finished Star Wars Tie Fighter kit is really fantastic, Lego did a remarkable job getting the details right. I know for a young child imagination goes far, but for a 41 year old Star Wars nut the likeness was more than OK. It was nice to see them get the kit right without any (or almost no) specialty parts. Not an easy feat.
Overall opinion? The Star Wars Tie Fighter kit from ThinkGeek was fun to build with my kids and a decent reproduction of a classic from my childhood. I can't imagine another man my age thinking any differently about this kit.
For more cool Star Wars gifts, including more LEGO Star Wars kits, visit ThinkGeek.com.
Thank you to ThinkGeek for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon.