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My Photos: It's 2012 . . . a New Year!

One thing that parents always notice is that their children change and grow up so fast.  I have to say that I was so crazy busy in 2011 that I did not have time to observe, enjoy, and celebrate all the small changes in my children.  It is my resolution to not make that mistake in 2012.  That is my main goal for the new year, along with trying to have a date (out or at-home) with my husband at least once a month and to learn the art of creating clipart.

To put things into perspective, I have these two photos to share with you today . . .

(Photo taken at the end of 2010)

(Photo taken at the end of 2011)

I find it amazing how much our children have changed over the course of one year.  What comes to mind for you when you reflect back on the year 2011?

Click here to view all my past favorite photos.