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Top 5 Animated Disney Movies for Girls

Just like the "Bond girl" was reinvented, over the years so has been the Disney Princess.  Although all Disney Princesses are heroines in their own way, it was not until Disney movies like Beauty and the Beast were released that a new stronger, smarter, and more courageous heroine was born. These princesses showed how empowered females can be and became positive role models for girls.  They did not wait to be rescued, but rather tried to save themselves, and even did some rescuing of their own.

Every year, I create a holiday and birthday wishlist for my children.  Without fail, there is always at least one Disney movie on the list for our daughter.  There are so many to choose from between the modern day Disney films and the older, harder to find Disney Exclusives.  Here is a list of animated Disney "girl power" movies that you might want to consider giving this year . . .

1.  Tangled (2010)
2.  The Incredibles (2004)
3.  Mulan (1998)
4.  Aladdin (1992)
5.  Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Which Disney movies, either animated or live action, would you add to this list?  I would love to hear your suggestions for movies we could enjoy both with our daughter and two sons in the future.