Last month, I shared about how we moved all the toys out of the living room and how I had labeled canvas bins, one for each child to keep any items he or she would like to have on hand in the living room. I made it very clear that they are not to throw toys into the bins that they simply just did not feel like putting away.
The other day, I was curious as to what each child put in their bin. I rarely see anyone besides our nearly 8 year old son use their bin. I peeked in Jake's bin and saw a few books, a bookmark, and a couple of die-cast cars. Nothing there surprised me.
I looked in our nearly 5 year old son's bin. The only thing that was in his bin was a bookmark. He does not really know how to read yet, but a bookmark in his bin is not that peculiar.
Next, I looked in his twin sister Makenzie's bin and I saw this . . .
Yes, that is an arm.