If your children are anything like our nearly 8 year old son, then he (or she) already has certain brand names he wants for things like graphic tees and sneakers. Since our son no longer wears shoes that fall in the toddler category, the price for the same pair of shoes is about $10 more on average. I am not sure if it is the way I was brought up, but I refuse to spend $40 or $50 on a pair of shoes that will be outgrown in 3 months time. It is possible to buy quality shoes in the brands my son wants at a reasonable price.
There are some stores where I happen to get lucky once in awhile and find some Skechers, New Balance, or Nike sneakers on sale, such as Sears, Dick's Sporting Goods, and Marshalls. I have purchased good brand name children's sneakers from these stores for anywhere from $20 to $30. If I need to buy a pair of sneakers for my son in the near future, I really do not want to check so many stores just hoping to get "lucky". A few months ago, I realized that Famous Footwear carries the brand names that my son wants and often have a Buy One Get One Half Off deal. I now consider FamousFootwear.com a reliable source for me to shop for shoes for my family. My husband also is very specific about what brand of sneakers he trusts, so having the BOGO deal really works out for us.
I just purchased these Skechers Kids' Volcanic Sneakers for my son and a pair of New Balance sneakers for my husband at Buy One Get One Half Off and an additional 20% off on top of that. Both pairs of shoes were already slightly reduced in price before these two promotions. My husband's shoes ended up being only $43.99 and my son's Skechers were ultimately only $14.00!
Another reason why I like Famous Footwear is that they offer flat rate standard shipping for $4.50 for the first two pairs of shoes and free shipping on three or more pairs of shoes. Now I just need them to expand their selection of handbags . . .
No compensation, gifts, or products were received for sharing this shopping experience with my readers.