Our twins are about to turn 5 in January. This year was the first that they each wrote their own letters to Santa. No, they each are still not able to write many words on their own, aside from their first names. That is why I came up with these free printables for young children to trace their letters to Santa Claus. There are four blank spaces where a parent would need to help out by dotting out the characters for their child to trace . . . the year, "boy" or "girl", what the child would like for Christmas, and the child's name. I also made two versions . . . one with some Christmas cookies clipart and one that is blank so that your child can add his or her drawings or stickers.
TO PRINT: Make sure your computer's printer is on and ready to go. Click on the desired image to enlarge. Right-click on the image and select print.
Our preschoolers were thrilled to finally be able to write their own letter to Santa instead of having their big brother write to Santa on their behalf. I hope your child experiences the same sense of pride and accomplishment. It is very important for you to remember to send a reply letter to your child from Santa to help keep the magic of Santa alive.